Our Mission:
The Kirk of Bonnie Brae UCC is a progressive church rooted in Christianity and welcoming to spiritual seekers from all backgrounds who are pursuing depth in relationship with God, Earth, and a community through engaged faith and social justice.
We are "Christian":
We identify as "christian" in that we follow the way of love, peace, joy and hope exemplified in the life and teachings of Jesus. We engage with the Bible in every worship service, though not to hear a literal edict but in the model of Jacob we wrestle with the text and demand a blessing, a word to lead us in our lives and in our world.
We "pursue depth":
In relationship with God
God is bigger than any one experience, any one church, any one time or place or idea. Therefore, we continue to dig deeper into the meaning and ramifications of following and serving a God of love. We are open to the Spirit. We ask questions. We are comfortable with doubt and we work to center voices and experiences that are new to us or have been silenced in the past.
In relationship with others
We push beyond small talk, we celebrate honesty and vulnerability and create opportunities to build trust so that we can be real with one another.
In relationship with the Earth
We recognize the earth and all its inhabitants, plants, animals and all of humanity as instilled with God's presence and we are committed to learn from the earth and to protect it through decision making (installing solar panels) as well as through worship (animal blessings) and other green justice focused programming (gardening/composting/camping etc.).
Engaged Faith:
We are not called to be passive in our faith journeys. On every level we strive to live our faith. After the sermon we have interactive prayer stations to explore our own questions and struggles as we consider the message of the day. We offer a wide variety of service opportunities from feeding homeless families to addressing the health care crisis, marching in Pride or advocating at the legislature for issues significant to our faith.
Social Justice:
Jesus' ministry continuously centered those who were on the margins of society, whether for race or ethnicity, gender, personal choices, illness or poverty. He saw those that others overlooked and he prioritized their care. We therefore are committed to following this path. We strive to see the oppression of our world, to name it, center it, as we prayerfully and intentionally take steps to ease the suffering of so many in our world.